Veterans are a very proud group of individuals, and one of the most loyal demographics in our country. Although simply Americans like everyone else, Veterans at one point in their life volunteered to place their own life in jeopardy for our great nation. So, be proud of what you have done in supporting these fine men and women!
We are proud to affirm that our founder and CEO, Scott Balsiger, is a US Navy Veteran, and many of his employees are also Veterans. Active duty military are taught to never leave a brother or sister behind. The mission of the Heroes News Network is rooted in Scott’s desire to extend this Creed into the Veteran community. Although the Heroes News Network is firmly based in our country’s free market system, we urge you to never lose sight of this socially conscious mission.
The Heroes News Network encourages you to proudly promote yourself as a Veteran Real Estate Specialist. Your participation in the Heroes News Network will result in not only honoring the individual Veteran with great service and value, but also in loyal and financially stable Veteran customers. This model is designed as a Win for Veterans, a Win for our Country, and a Win for your Business. How cool is that!
You have done something to be proud about – helping local Veterans with their Real Estate needs. As a Veteran myself, I want to personally thank you!
So, proudly display your Veterans Real Estate Specialist badge!
We encourage you to place your Veteran Real Estate Specialist badge on your letterhead, your business cards, and even on your website and social media pages. And, do not hesitate to contact us with questions on how to increase your marketing exposure.
Please feel free to tell us what is on your mind. Call (800) 863-2541 We welcome your suggestions, opinions or any ideas on how we can make this program better.
U.S. Navy Veteran
Proudly Served