- As active duty, the housing allowance is tax free. See the Basic Allowance for Housing – BAH – by rank and zip code, at www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/bahCalc.cfm. Using this calculator allows you to compare the BAH in the area with your expected mortgage payment. If the average BAH meets or exceeds your expected mortgage payment, it may be a wise investment to buy and then rent the property when transferred.
- Consider buying only if you plan to stay put for at least 3 years – five is better
- Limit housing costs to no more than 30% of take-home income
- Consider the property’s rental possibilities as part of the buying decision just in case you are unable to immediately sell when you are ready to move
- If you reside near a military community, try to keep your mortgage payment a few hundred dollars below the BAH of the average rank in the area. That way you will always have a pool of potential renters
- Consider Kitchen, Bath, and basic curb appeal improvements to add the most value to the property